Neuroscience center in Austin and Central Texas

St. David's HealthCare neurology teams are expertly trained to provide high-quality neurological treatments. As part of this, we offer comprehensive neurosurgical and neuro-interventional capabilities, with 24-hour coverage from our dedicated nursing staff.

To learn more about our neurological services, call the St. David's Help Center at (888) 868-2104.

Neuroscience & Spine Institute

Our Neuroscience & Spine Institute at St. David's Medical Center provides individualized, quality care for patients with brain, spine and nerve conditions. The Institute was founded to promote quality care, provide educational leadership and perform advanced research in the field of neuroscience. It includes 40 physicians of various subspecialties, all committed to its vision of quality care and research advances.

The physicians, together with other neuroscience professionals, provide comprehensive, individualized and high-quality care, integrating the most advanced clinical protocols and surgical technologies. We use these technologies to provide exceptional neurological and neuro-rehabilitative care.

Neurosurgery and neurological treatments

For patients who need more advanced options, our specialists perform:

  • Cranial neurosurgery
  • Spinal decompressions/laminectomies
  • Spinal fusions (lumbar, thoracic and cervical)
  • Neurorehab

Our neuro-oncology program offers nurse navigation for patients with positive neuro-oncology diagnosis as well as host bi-weekly multidisciplinary neuro-oncology conferences with providers to review cases and plan care.