St. David's HealthCare
December 16, 2019

St. David’s HealthCare is a proud supporter of the national “Stop the Bleed” program, a campaign that provides bystanders of emergency situations with the tools and knowledge to stop life-threatening bleeding. This year, St. David’s HealthCare helped train hundreds of individuals at area school districts and businesses through this program.

The movement to educate the larger community about Stop the Bleed is very similar to efforts to teach CPR. When time is critical and minutes count, a bystander who jumps in to control bleeding or administers CPR often becomes the true lifesaver before emergency personnel arrive.

“While the Stop the Bleed program was created by The White House in response to mass casualty events, the skills we teach are much more likely to be used to treat injuries that occur in everyday life, such as in a kitchen, woodshop, garage or outside in the yard,” Dr. Ken Mitchell, senior vice president and chief medical officer of St. David’s HealthCare, said. “St. David’s HealthCare is proud to support this life-saving program.”

St. David’s HealthCare recently provided bleeding control stations—wall-mounted boxes that include six personal bleeding control kits—to every school in the Liberty Hill Independent School District (ISD) as part of its sponsorship of the district. The national Stop the Bleed program inspired a new law requiring all Texas public schools to implement a traumatic injury response protocol by Jan. 1.

Univision Austin recently reported on the story.