AUSTIN, Texas–The St. David’s Georgetown Hospital has been selected to participate in a study to investigate the efficacy of a new lung denervation technology developed by Nuvaira, Inc. The technology is intended to treat patients with severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). The principal investigator is Dominic Rodolfo deKeratry, MD, medical director of interventional pulmonology at St. David’s Georgetown Hospital.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is an inflammatory lung disease that causes obstructed airflow from the lungs. Patients typically complain of difficulty breathing, coughing, and chest tightness. It is caused by long-term inhalation or exposure to particulates in the air, most often cigarette smoke or debris from construction work. These particulates cause the nerves in the airways of the lung to become overactive and inflamed. It is estimated that more than 19 million adults suffer from COPD in the US with an annual healthcare burden estimated at $50 billion per year [1][2].

The AIRFLOW-3 Clinical Trial is investigating the safety and effectiveness of a catheter-based procedure called Targeted Lung Denervation (TLD), using technology developed by Nuvaira. The technology is investigational and not approved by the FDA. During the procedure, a catheter is inserted through the patient’s mouth and into the lungs through a bronchoscope. Once the catheter is placed at the correct position and inflated, an electrode delivers a type of electrical energy called radiofrequency energy. This energy interrupts ablates overactive nerves immediately outside of the airway and is expected to cause a relaxation of the airways and a decrease in mucus production. Study participants will be followed for 5 years to determine the effectiveness of the procedure.


[1] Global Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Epidemiology and Patient Flow – 2018.

Fore Pharma.

[2] American Lung Association, COPD Fact Sheet, February 2011

Air Flow Trial

For more information, view the study website.

tags: research