For visitors at St. David's Georgetown Hospital
Visitor guidelines
We want you to feel informed and prepared while visiting your loved one in our hospital. Read on to learn more about our visitation policies.
Information for our visitors
We've put this information together to answer your frequently asked questions.
Visiting hours at our hospital
To help protect everyone's health and safety, we ask that all visitors carefully read our policy:
- Visiting hours are from 5:00am to 8:00pm.
- Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
- No more than two visitors are allowed in critical care units at one time.
- Up to four visitors are allowed at a time in all other care units.
- If you are visiting someone in pediatrics, the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), labor and delivery, surgery or end-of-life care, please note that they are only allowed one overnight visitor.
- Overnight visitation is allowed for advocates of the elderly, disabled or impaired.
Visitation restrictions
Circumstances may allow for specific exceptions to any visitation restrictions described on this webpage. Those circumstances include religious visitation as well as a designated support person for a patient with a disability to provide assistance with communication or other necessary components of the patient's treatment. All persons entering under an exception remain subject to appropriate infection control protocols.
Visitation Policy
Non-COVID-19 Patients
No more than two visitors at a time in critical care units and no more than four visitors at a time in all other units during visiting hours.
- Visiting hours are 5:00am - 8:00pm
- Visitors under 12 years of age must be accompanied by an adult
One visitor may remain overnight for the following services or circumstances:
- Pediatrics
- Laboring mothers
- Patient advocates for elderly, disabled or impaired patients
- Undergoing surgery or a procedure
- End-of-life care
COVID-19 Patients
COVID-19 patients or those suspected of having COVID-19 will be allowed one visitor per day. Each hospital will have a process to ensure proper safety and PPE protocols are in place for these visits.
Politica de visitas
Pacientes sin COVID-19
No más de dos visitantes a la vez en las unidades de cuidados críticos y no más de cuatro visitantes a la vez en el resto de las unidades durante las horas de visita.
- El horario de visitas es de 5 a.m. a 8 p.m.
- Los menores de 12 años deben ir acompañados de un adulto.
Un visitante puede quedarse durante la noche para los siguientes servicios o circunstancias:
- Pediatría
- Madres en trabajo de parto
- Defensores de pacientes mayores, discapacitados o impedidos
- Sometidos a una cirugía u otro procedimiento
- Atención terminal
Pacientes con COVID-19
A los pacientes con COVID-19 o a aquellos de quienes se sospeche que tengan COVID-19 se les permitirá un visitante por día. Cada hospital tendrá un proceso para garantizar la implementación de protocolos de seguridad y EPP adecuados para estas visitas.