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1005 E 32nd St
Austin, TX 78705

Office Hours

Open 24 Hours

About St. David's Rehabilitation Hospital

Our rehabilitation program offers private rooms, the latest technological tools and large rehabilitation pools that support a comprehensive aquatic therapy program. All of our rehabilitation facilities provide comprehensive care for neurological conditions, including strokes and orthopedic injuries.

Inpatient therapy sessions

We use advanced rehabilitative equipment and evidence-based treatments to help extend your self-sufficiency. You may participate in a minimum of three hours of therapy per day, five days per week, or the equivalent. One-on-one therapy sessions address your individual needs by focusing on:

  • Coordination, balance and strength
  • Functional mobility
  • Gross and fine motor skills
  • Self-care activities, i.e. dressing and bathing
  • Speech, language and cognition
  • Swallowing and eating
  • Vision and perception

Part of our therapy program includes training and education for you and your caregivers to prepare you for at-home care following discharge.

Learn more about inpatient physical rehabilitation

Accepted Insurance Plans

We accept all forms of government insurance from the U.S., Canada and other countries. We also accept Medicare, Medicaid, Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS), and workers compensation.

We accept all forms of government insurance from the U.S., Canada and other countries. We also accept Medicare, Medicaid, Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS), and workers compensation.